I don't often hyperventilate, but I definitely got close today. And started off such a good day. The bus that I got on went quickly through the city til I got to the subway. I was pleased with how fast it had gotten there.
I got through the ticket line with ease and then descended down to the train. The line of people waiting for the subway was enormous. But when the first one came, I decided to get on... Mistake? probably.
The subway was full from the beginning. However, it proceeded to get more and more full as we went on. People were pushing me and everyone else to get on. I was slightly surprised and eventually, slightly annoyed. The act of moving me was really squishing some other people. So, I just pushed back. What now? Two (or 100 really) can play at that game!
Unfortunately, that wasn't the worst of it. At one stop, the subway did more that stop, it stayed! So there I was, stuck in a sea of people. That did bother me so much, but what really bothered me was that I was wearing a long sleeved shirt and my jacket. I was starting to get really, really hot. [insert hyperventilation]. Nervousness set it, and my body continued to cook. I had to force myself to calm down and to breathe. And, within a few moments, the train pulled away from it's little underground station. I was safe.
I remember a similar feeling in the tunnels of the pyramids of Cholula.