Yesterday, I was helping a friend make a video for youth group. We had drunk some cappuccino, and the teapot was a still on the table. I thought to myself, "Self, I think you'd like a little swallow of hot water." So, I poured myself a little bit and drank it. To my surprise and disappointment, the water was not hot at all, but just room temperature. I could've poured myself a glass from the regular pitcher if I wanted lukewarm water!
One would hope to find hot (or even boiling) water in a teapot. And when one finds a teapot full of lukewarm water, he asks, "What's the point?"
About that time, I realized that a it's not really the teapot that makes the water hot. It's the stove that teapot sits on. Without a stove (or some kind of fire), a teapot is simply a metal pitcher.
Christians are like teapots: When they've been away from the fire, you can tell. They're laking in passion; they're not really fulfilling their purpose. They're not being used because they're not available. They may have the right stuff inside, but it's not heated to the right degree.
In order for a teapot to be able to pour hot water, it's gotta sit on the stove. In order for a Christian to be effective, he's gotta spend time in the Word, in prayer, and with other believers. It's not worth pouring cold water out of a teapot.
Wow, this is really good Will, very convicting too - thank you.