As my sister noticed the other day, my accent and pronunciation has changed after being here for three months. Not that people don't still call me "Mexicanote" (big Mexican), which I don't mind. But, lots of my slang I use is Argentine because that's what I hear everyday.
The interesting phenomenon that I have observed, is that I still have words coming out of hibernation. Suddenly, a certain situation requires a specific word that I haven't said or thought of for years, and it comes out of my mouth. I smile with contentment because I knew that word, but the Argentines giggle. Suddenly, I break into a cold sweat, I was sure that I used that correctly. Oh boy, I just said something bad. So I ask, "Is that not right?" The giggler often responds with, "Well, we don't say that here, but instead we say-"
So, I learn the Argentine expression, and try not to forget the Mexican one. But that makes me wonder, how much Spanish do I have stored in my brain that I have yet to rediscover? I mean, it's not that my Spanish was better before. I speak Spanish more fluently now than I ever did in Mexico, but certain terms I haven't needed here yet.
This, in turn, causes me to ask. What else do I have hidden in my mind that just hasn't wanted to resurface? Memories, ideas, feelings. The possibilities are close to endless. What could be done with all of that information? I'm sure a lot of it is useless, but it may be meaningful, may be hurtful, may be helpful.
I think that I'm going to try to record more of my life, thoughts, and ideas so that I can look back. I'm not saying that it's healthy to dwell in the past. But,
Don't forget to remember.
They say that when you learn a language up through Junior High, it will always be with you. It's apparently stored in a place in your brain that keeps it there until the right time.
ReplyDeleteAs to memories...what you say is true, and it is also important to deal with life honestly and thoroughly the first time so that fewer memories will be a cause of sleeplessness in the future.
Love ya,